Charleston is the oldest city in South Carolina. It is also the 2nd largest city with a population of approximately 125,000. Charleston is located near the Atlantic Ocean and is a busy harbor. The city is known for its church steeples which can be seen from many vantage points. There is plenty to see and do in Charleston. (Building photo is on Broad St)The low country food is outstanding and includes things like shrimp and grits which I love. In places the African American population still speak the Gullah language. You can take horse drawn carriage tours of the city from several companies. It is a great way to find out about the history of the city and also to slowly see the scenery. There are several different carriage routes so you could take several tours and never see the same thing. The historic houses of the city are a sight in themselves. You can also see the Slave's Market. This was not a slave market where they sold slaves it was a market where slave's could sell products they raised or made. Another favorite is the evening ghost tours of Charleston. There are a number of haunted sites around town. You can also take a Bay Cruise which can take you to Ft Sumter (see photo)where the first shots of the Civil War was fired. The fort sits in the middle of the harbor. On the tour you can see the Ravenal Bridge which is the longest cable stayed bridge in the US. There are also several historic colleges in Charleston: The Citadel and the College of Charleston. The Citadel being a military school with its corp of cadets which you can visit. Close to town are several historic plantations. I have visited Magnolia Plantation (where the croc photo was taken) which has beautiful gardens, a swamp that you can tour and a historic house. Definitely worth a visit as are the other plantations which give tours. On the outer islands there are some nice beaches and lots of houses for rent for visitors. There is also Patriot Point which you can see from Charleston. There is an aircraft carrier, a submarine, a destroyer and a Coast Guard cutter plus airplanes and other displays. I have been to Charleston several times and there is still things I want to see. It is definitely a fun place to visit with lots of history.
It sure seems like Charleston has a lot of historical attractions. I would love to go on one of the ghost tours. That sounds like fun. I have been thinking about moving to Charleston and am trying to gather as much information about the city as possible. I have been looking into homes for sale in Charleston, SC and have been impressed with what I have found so far.